Temple Menorah
by Mariano Shulman, 2001, Argentina
Menorah Mosaic, Kehillat Israel, Pacific Palisades, CA
© Joy Krauthammer 2013
Personal Chanukah story by Joy Krauthammer
Thoughts on the Temple Menorah & the Chanukah Menorah
Teaching: Reb Yosef Ben Shlomo Hakohen
Baruch Dayan HaEmet. Reb Yosef, zt"l, niftar 27 Elul 5771.
Hazon-Our Universal Vision
"I see and behold - there is a menorah made entirely of gold with its bowl on its top; its seven lamps are upon it, and there are seven ducts for each of the lamps on its top. There are two olive trees over it, one at the right of the bowl and one on its left. I spoke up and said to the angel who was speaking to me, saying, “What are these, my lord?” The angel who was speaking to me answered, and said to me, “Do you not know what these are?” And I said, “No, my lord!” He answered and said to me, stating: “This is the word of the Compassionate One to Zerubabel, saying: ‘Not through the might of arms and not through physical strength, but through My spirit, said the Compassionate One, God of all the hosts of creation.’ ” (Zechariah 4:2-6)
The oil from the olives enables the Menorah to give light, and this light represents the light of the Divine Teaching, as it is written, “Torah is light” (Proverbs 6:23). In the above prophecy, the Prophet is told to convey the following message regarding the power of this light: Not through the might of arms and not through physical strength, but through My spirit, said the Compassionate One, God of all the hosts of creation.
(Parshat Terumah) Exodus 25:31-40
Instructions for the construction of the Temple Menorah:
31 And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made, even its base, and its shaft; its cups, its knops, and its flowers, shall be of one piece with it. 32 And there shall be six branches going out of the sides thereof: three branches of the candlestick out of the one side thereof, and three branches of the candle-stick out of the other side thereof; 33 three cups made like almond-blossoms in one branch, a knop and a flower; and three cups made like almond-blossoms in the other branch, a knop and a flower; so for the six branches going out of the candlestick. 34 And in the candlestick four cups made like almond-blossoms, the knops thereof, and the flowers thereof.
35 And a knop under two branches of one piece with it, and a knop under two branches of one piece with it, and a knop under two branches of one piece with it, for the six branches going out of the candlestick. 36 Their knops and their branches shall be of one piece with it; the whole of it one beaten work of pure gold. 37 And thou shalt make the lamps thereof, seven; and they shall light the lamps thereof, to give light over against it. 38 And the tongs thereof, and the snuffdishes thereof, shall be of pure gold. 39 Of a talent of pure gold shall it be made, with all these vessels. 40 And see that thou make them after their pattern, which is being shown thee in the mount.
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Ceramic CHANUKIAH Art and photo by Joy Krauthammer © |
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Ceramic CHANUKIAH glazing "Hanerot Hallalu Kodesh Hem" Menorah art by Joy Krauthammer © |
Menorahs filled Mogen Dovid
Star created by Joy Krauthammer
photos by Joy Krauthammer
Happy Chanukah collage
© Joy Krauthammer 12.2015
Chanukah BlesSings
May the blesSings of Chanukah light illuminate all your days.
© Joy Krauthammer
Happy Chanukah
© Joy Krauthammer
Chag Sameach
Hanerot Halalu Kodesh Hem ~ These Lights Are Holy
© Joy Krauthammer
Eight Lights and Nights of Chanukah
© Joy Krauthammer 2014
May you bless our universe with the illumination of YOUR soul’s light.
© Joy Krauthammer
© Joy Krauthammer
© Joy Krauthammer
Oil Chanukiah
© Joy Krauthammer
Oil Chanukiah
© Joy Krauthammer
Oil Chanukiah
© Joy Krauthammer
ChArt, photos © Joy Krauthammer

ChArt, photos © Joy Krauthammer
In 5762, years ago while I was Caregiver Angel Warrior, I sketched the Temple Menorah and filled the large art poster-sized paper with lots of teachings on Menorah.
A challenge for me was getting the lights to point toward the center lamp.
In retrospect, I think the challenge for me was to be the best Light-filled caregiver
and to understand the Light, thus I immersed myself in the teachings.
See image. © Joy Krauthammer
Details: http://templemenorah.blogspot.com
Aharon is instructed, “When you kindle the lamps, towards the center of the Menora shall the seven lamps cast light” (Bamidbar 8:2). The center lamp, to which all of the other branches face, represents the light of Torah.
Menorah ChArt Art
photos © Joy Krauthammer
Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt"l
photo by Joy Krauthammer ©
8th Night of Chanukah
© Joy Krauthammer
photos © Joy Krauthammer
Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt"l
photo by Joy Krauthammer ©
8th Night of Chanukah
© Joy Krauthammer
First candle with sister
© Joy Krauthammer
2nd Candle
© Joy Krauthammer
© Joy Krauthammer
Chanukah 8 Nights
© Joy Krauthammer
Chanukah 8 Nights
© Joy Krauthammer
8th night
© Joy Krauthammer
8th night
© Joy Krauthammer
8th night
© Joy Krauthammer
3rd night
© Joy Krauthammer
3rd night
© Joy Krauthammer
4th Candle and blue tree lights, Chabad
© Joy Krauthammer
Secrets of the Menorah
with Joy
with Joy
G*d's Holiest # 7
American Jewish University, Sunday, Dec. 11
G*d's Holiest # 7
American Jewish University, Sunday, Dec. 11
Contact Joy Krauthammer: FaceBook or write personally.
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How are you shining your shamash light for a brighter world?
With what blesSings do you shine your light?
Who is a Shamash in your life?
What miracles have you witnessed today?
What miracles have you witnessed today?
May you continue to bless our universe with the illumination of YOUR soul’s light.
Sharing your light never decreases your flame and always increases it.
One little candle can light the way to illuminate and brighten others. It all begins with one -- with me, with you, with us. All together may we brighten, enlighten, care, share and love. At this dark time of year -- may we shine and shower each other with love and hopes for peace and serenity.
Sharing many blesSings with YOU.
Love, Joy
by Joy Krauthammer, Joy to the World
I'm excited that Rav Rahmiel Hayyim Drizin shares his Chanukah teaching with us:
Gift for us all:
Direct link to PDF:
Rav Rahmiel Hayyim was happily at Happy Minyan, Shabbat Vayishash, Dec. 31.
Gift for us all:
Direct link to PDF:
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King Solomon, Shlomo HaMelech wrote in Mishlei (The Book of Proverbs 6:23) , "Ner Mitzvah v'Torah Or." Mitzvos are lamps and Torah is light. "Ner Hashem, Nishmat Adam". The Soul of the human being is the lamp of Hashem. (Proverbs 20:27)
"Ki Imecha Mekor Haim Be'orecha Nireh Or." By Your Light shall we see light. (King David's Tehillim/Psalm 36:10)
Above--Jewish light quotes I love, & below--a thought from one of my teachers, and my thoughts.
"The physical lights we ignite during the Festival of Chanukah are a manifestation of the spiritual light we try to light within ourselves and the radiance of our souls, through seeking to do G*d's Will, and pierces the long night of Galus.
May we all merit a Chanukah full of light of Torah and mitzvos and enjoy the beauty of the lamps with renewed dedication to bring close the day when the true Light of Creation will fill the earth with a brilliance and clarity we have waited for almost 2,000 years.
Wishing you a Happy, Brilliant Chanukah"
- Michael Rosenberg of Torah.org's bikkur cholim: A site where you can request prayers.
Allow the light that we hold within ourselves to be shared and light our universe shining forth to the darkest corners, even to those dark spots within our own hearts & souls.”
- Reb Shlomo Carlebach, z'l, in the name of The Ba'al Shem Tov, said shared light increases and never diminishes.
We, like the Temple's miracle oil, if ever feeling "defiled" can "rededicate" ourselves with light.
Meditate & gaze upon flames or imagine them at any time, and be connected to the Divine One & to the holiness within you.
Imagine yourself as a flame, or as the shamash. According to our Sephirot, in the illumination we receive in the image of The Divine One, we have the light of: wisdom, knowledge, compassion / lovingkindness, justice, beauty, endurance, gratitude, joy / passion and peace.
What are the lights in our own lives that offer blessing and warmth?
What are the sparks that move us forward, pushing us to go beyond our comfort zone and do more?
May we be blessed with a light-filled Chanukah. Chanukah Same'ach
One love, shalom and abundant blesSings of harmony,
wholeness, health and joy to you,
- Joy Krauthammer
"Serve G*d With Joy"
"The Divine One is The Source of Joy. To be joyous is to be connected with the Source –
one who is connected to the Source IS joyous!" -Reb Sholom Brodt
Rav Shulim,
please pray the menorah flames stay lit.
photos and collage © Joy Krauthammer
love, Joy Krauthammer ©
love, Joy Krauthammer ©
Chanukah Dreidles
© Joy Krauthammer
ChArt, photos and collage © Joy Krauthammer
Joy's Blogs for Workshops and bands
Simchat Chochmah
Serve G-d With Joy
Menorah, Mall
© Joy Krauthammer 2016
I feel especially good seeing the Menorah lit in my neighborhood large mall because in 1981 I went to the local major Mall management and told them that I wanted a large Menorah at the mall. There were many red and green decorations for other faiths for customers to appreciate but nothing visible for the Jewish faith and Chanukah was at the same season. Management said to me to get a group behind my personal request. That was easy because I was on the Board of Directors of the Jewish Community Center.
Through Rabbi Joshua Gordon, obm, Director of Valley Chabads, I arranged for Chabad to build the large menorah for greater community to enjoy. (Now in 2016 that was about 35 years ago.) Rabbis come and light each night. Choirs come and sing. The Menorah is also visible if you look up to the 2nd story from the main mall.
A menorah still stands and that is good. Amayn.
By 1980 I first arranged for the local Veteran's Administration Medical Center to build a large menorah, the first time the VA ever had a menorah on their grounds, the then Chaplain, Rabbi Joseph Elsant, obm, joyously wrote to me. The Menorah stood in front of the main entrance. - Joy Krauthammer
Menorah Tree of Life
Stained glass by David and Michelle Pachte-Zuieback
Lopaty Chapel, Valley Beth Shalom
© Joy Krauthammer
Flame Names by Joy Krauthammer
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